NEC Telephone Systems in North & South Carolina
Competitive businesses come in all sizes. Successful businesses always have one thing in common: great teamwork.
NEC’s UNIVERGE SV9100 is the unified communications (UC) solution of choice for small and medium businesses (SMBs) who don’t want to be left behind. Designed to fit to your unique needs, the platform is a powerful communications solution that provides SMBs with the efficient, easy-to-deploy, mobile technology that they require. Reliable and adaptable, the UNIVERGE SV9100 is built on cutting-edge technology that supports voice, video, unified communications and collaboration, unified messaging, and mobility out-of-the-box, all the while remaining easy to manage.

Smart Communications for SMBs
NEC’s UNIVERGE SV9100 is the unified communications (UC) solution of choice for small and medium businesses (SMBs) who don’t want to be left behind. Designed to fit to your unique needs, the platform is a powerful communications solution that provides SMBs with the efficient, easy-to-deploy, mobile technology that they require. Reliable and adaptable, the UNIVERGE SV9100 is built on cutting-edge technology that supports voice, video, unified communications and collaboration, unified messaging, and mobility out-of-the-box, all the while remaining easy to manage.